Some Inbound Email Deliverability issues

  • Tuesday, 16th August, 2022
  • 11:20am

Hi there all :) 


We have been getting increased reports of people having issues with inbound email deliverability issues, 

While emails are very tricky to work out where the issues are for deliverability, we think out ASSP anti Spam server software is playing up a bit, 

We currently have the developers of the software checking out our ASSP installation, 

Hopefully this will be resolved very shortly and we get an answer as to why only some inbound emails are not arriving...

We will let you know how it goes, please dont overwhelm out phone, but if you have inbound issues, most can be solved either by you emailing the persons email from the email address you are expecting an email on, this whitelists it on the system, or if they get a bounce back email from the ASSP it will say it bounced suspect spam, resend with a code in the subject line, 

When they resend the original email with the code added in the subject line it then also whitelists their email to send to you .

If you still have issues please submit a support ticket :) 



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